
  • Taekwondo (2 times / a week)
    • It is associated with World Taekwondo. [Sample video clip1] The headquarter of World Taekwondo is Kukkiwon.
    • All rules are followed accordingly.
    • The belts will be upgraded every two months up to the black belt. The typical time period to get the black belt is 18 months. Becoming a black belt holder means that you just tasted the martial arts some.
    • Current testing items are forms, air kicks, targeting, and board breaking for individual level.
  • Taekwondo kick clinics (Your kicks and forms can be improved with less injury risk based on the biomechanical approach.) [Man to Man or group]
    • Fast kicking velocity
    • Powerful kicking
    • Sharper kicking
    • Appropriate Form
    • Appropriate coordination
    • Less injuries


  • Stretching can open the blood lines. The improved blood circulation is related to your body healing.

  • Stretching & Motion/Fitness (2 times / a week)
  • Passive stretching [Man to Man]


Your kicks are corrected based on the Biomechanical Analyses of the Taekwondo kicks.

“Multiple Taekwondo students performed roundhouse kicks with higher speed and louder impact sound after motion corrections. Additionally, the kicker who followed the direction well has more confidence in terms of kicking and individual life. The different types of kicks have been improved rapidly.” mentioned by Dr. Kim.


Experience the amazing taping for injuries!

The key point for the taping is making the blood circulation better. For an example, if a boy sprained his ankle, inversion, there could be minor muscle tearing. Then, the blood will be shedding through the muscle tearing. In this case, the recovery time will take some time. Taping with proper direction and pressure for the blood circulation can shorten the recovery time. 

How To Use Kinesiology Tape For Ankle Sprains and Stability | KT Tapehttps://www.kttape.co.uk/pages/ankle-stability


Key connecting points for blood circulation