Former Kingdom Fighters

Yumin Hwang

Emory University Business/marketing [Accepted in 2022]

Taekwondo has kept my body and mind healthy. It allowed me to focus on everything and gave me confidence. Thanks! Dr. Kim!
Former Kingdom Fighters

Joseph Eunsung Hwang

Harvard University (ROTC Type1 Airforce Scholarship) Medical Engineering [Accepted in 2022]

~~ I am 18 years old and some fun facts about me/hobbies that I have are that I have soloed multiple times in a plane, am the oldest of 4, am very religious (my family is Baptist Christian), enjoy playing tennis, the violin, practicing Taekwondo, working out, listening to music, eating (I’m a big foodie), reading, watching movies/shows/kdramas, hanging out with friends (I love people), and love to do things that other regular teenagers do. ~~

Korea Town News

Yusung Hwang

Vanderbilt University Planning to major in Economics [accepted in 2024]

밴더빌트 대학교 문장

Taekwondo 2nd Dan Holder

One thing about Taekwondo is that it’s very communal. Everything we did, we did together. Whether it was poomsae, sparring, or stretching, the dojang was a hospitable space for everyone. To the day, the people I met from Taekwondo have become my lifelong friends. If you’re looking to combine art, dance, and fighting all into one, Taekwondo is for you. ‘From Yusung Hwang’

Awards of current students

Current Kingdom Fighters